Red Tie Ball: Untied

We miss you! Sadly, COVID-19 has made it impossible for us to host The Children’s Heart Foundation’s annual in-person Red Tie Ball. Our 2020 year-end celebration will instead be Red Tie Ball: Untied, a virtual fundraising event that will honor the unsung heroes of the Chicago pediatric cardiology world. Just as congenital heart disease did not stop in 2020, neither did the people who take care of our kids, no matter the risks or unknowns. This year, we will pause to thank them for all that they do.
While we are unable to laugh and cry and dance the night away in 2020, we need your support now as much as ever to provide a bright and healthy future for children with congenital heart defects. Please click below to sign up for emails surrounding the virtual event and to be the first to hear about the weekend surprises as they unfold. We hope you will join us and give from the heart to support our important mission:
We can’t wait to be together again at The Drake on December, 4, 2021 to properly celebrate the successes of the past years. Until then, we would appreciate your donation in support of The Children’s Heart Foundation’s mission to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of congenital heart defects by funding the most promising research. This research directly drives breakthroughs that have improved survival rates, longevity, and quality of life for our children.
With gratitude,
Sue Murray & Jen Borchard
Co-Chairs, Red Tie Ball: Untied